Contact Us

We welcome your questions or comments about this site or the forum itself. If you have a question about something related to technology in AA in general feel free to sign up for the forum to create or search the community topics.

You can contact us directly by email at, or complete the form below.  We are all volunteers with lives, so it may take a few days for us to get back to you or deal with your question/problem/issue.

We are not able to respond to your questions or comments not related to the forum.  For questions about AA, please contact our General Service office via  For questions about your local AA, please contact your local Central Office, Intergroup, District, or Area. You can generally find such contacts by either searching the web for “Alcoholics Anonymous” in your location or contacting

Instructions for completing this form

Name (required):

The name you use here is not verified and only used to control for spam and bot submissions. It will not be tied to your account. You can create and edit a profile disclosing the account name and information you wish to expose to the community (not publicly visible outside the forum) when and after you join.

Email (required):

Email where the invitation to join will be sent. This will also become a default primary way of logging in or recovering your password. We recommend a personal email address (e.g. instead of a “positional” email address (e.g. unless you intend for you membership to rotate with the person holding the position in the future. This email address can be changed after you join if you wish to change it by editing your profile information.

Affirmation (required):

By the group conscience of the members, this forum is only open to members of AA and those non-members of AA supporting AA services (e.g. Intergroup offices, AA service structure, etc.).

Topic interests (required):

If you are interested in conversations in more than one  technical topic area (e.g. web sites, answering services, virtual meetings, etc.) or have a general curiosity about AA discussions in general (e.g. topics above and beyond technology like committees and group dynamics), you would probably want to select the default “General” option.

If your primary interest is in Archives only, you probably want to select the “Archives” option. Note that with either option, you will still have access to all topics on the forum but with the “Archives” option, your “home screen” will automatically place you in the “Archives” category where most of those conversations happen.